Tuesday, August 09, 2016

2016 Trip Report: Day 6 - Swimming and Puerto Rican Food

Thursday, July 28
We went to Shipwreck Island again and Jackson put on his life jacket and went right in to spend most of the day on the slides. Again, his only break was for lunch and it was because we forced him out to eat grilled cheese. 

I went down all three water slides. One was enclosed, one was open and the other was steep. They were all great, and my brother and Uncle George joined me on two of the three. The steep one made my bathing suit go up into my body cavity, but I was able to regroup before I stood up. Addison enjoyed herself in the water and took a nap on my mom at one point. We left at 3 p.m. to go back to the room and said goodbye to Aunt Marie, Aunt Annie, Jelly and Bianca. They were driving back to Spring Hill, Florida. 

Aunt Rosie wasn't feeling well, so we waited for Georgie to come out after work. When he did, we headed out to Puerto Rico's Cafe without Aunt Rosie and Uncle George, but we made sure to bring them back food. Puerto Rico's Cafe isn't in the best area, but the food is great and the service is just as good. We enjoyed our delicious dinner and Jackson ate his first Cheese Empanada. TK and I both had Mofungo.

When we got back to the room, Addison had fallen asleep in the car, so TK, my brother and I went to Target for road trip supplies and some dessert. We picked up cupcakes with Star Wars rings on them, Magnum ice cream bars and eclairs. One of the eclairs was a Peanut Butter Eclair ... from Target. What?

We ate our desserts and made sure all of our clothes were packed before finally going to bed.

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