All day, everyday, people do what they want or what others want them to do, and I think my 2 year-old friend Kaitlyn is on point when she asks, "Why?"
I like going to restaurants, museums and traveling, but why? I enjoy taking classes, watching educational programs and learning fun facts. Again, why? These statements are true about me, but why do I like these things and why do I do the things I do? These are all questions you should ask yourself too. What makes you tick? What makes you, well, you?
I analyzed myself and my craziness for a little while today, and this is the simple statement I created to explain me:
Melissa Anne (Gonzalez) Kuehnle's mission is to create memorable experiences, use her creativity and consistently learn from her surroundings. She continues to enrich her life by remaining open to new ideas and people, while staying realistic and honest. Melissa has made the commitment to live life with a sense of humor, an imagination and a smile...all while saying please and thank you.
Ask the question. Take the journey. Live. That is Melissa's mission.
On day 5 of my 30 B4 30, I came up with the answer to my question, so I ask you, "Who's coming with me?"