Wednesday, August 21, 2013

It's been a while

A lot has happened in my life in the past few months, and I haven't posted anything, so I apologize for that or maybe you are thankful, who knows? Let's review ...
  1. TK went away on a family golf trip with a bunch of my male relatives, so Jax and I stayed with my mother for a week. It was nice to stay in my parents' house for a little while, and also have dinner made for me. That was the best part.
  2. I had my first Mother's Day, and it was great. I got flowers from my parents and the card said how "proud" of me they are. That felt nice. TK had Lauren take photos of Jackson holding letters to spell out M-O-M and when I opened that gift, I cried I was emotional. I also received a $25 gift card to Target from my in-laws and a $100 gift certificate from Dad so that Mom and I could go to a spa together one day. I am DEFINITELY planning on that. Who would pass up a spa day? If you answered, someone very dumb, that's right.
  3. I gave a presentation on Social Media as a FREE Marketing Tool to a group of people from the Bellport and Patchogue Chambers of Commerce. It was a little nerve-wracking because I wasn't sure if they were picking up what I was putting down, but I couldn't eat breakfast until it was all over. I get a nervous belly before presentations. I like when they are over.
  4. June 29, 2013 marked 10 years since my grandmother passed and I had a wedding to attend that night. Once, I had to excuse myself to go have a nice mini cry while looking out on the water, but then I pulled myself together and sang "Rapper's Delight" to TK on the dance floor.
  5. My little man turned one and we threw him a huge Mickey First Birthday Party! It was great. We had a bounce house, a dunk tank, a tent, two portapotties and a snow cone machine. Jax changed from one Mickey outfit to another during the party and he fell asleep for a little while too because we tuckered him out. I made him a big cupcake for his actual birthday and for the party too. He got white icing all over my uncle's face trying to share the cake with him. It was adorable. Everyone had a great time and people think I should plan parties for a living. Hmmm ... (Stay tuned for a party post that I want to share for Pinterest.)
  6. Jackson has had two haircuts, one was two days after his first birthday and another on August 16. Both were traumatic for both of us. He screamed like I was torturing him and I had to hold him down or entertain him the whole time, and also try not to get either of our fingers cut off. At one point I was afraid my hair would get cut along with his. I still haven't had a haircut since New Year's Eve, so maybe I should have slipped some of my hair in there accidentally on purpose ...
So, I guess now you are caught up. 

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