Monday, February 25, 2013


Yesterday, I took the first step to becoming a momtrepreneur, or whatever you want to call it. I took one step toward having a home office with orders coming in over the phone and through email and meetings via Skype where I can wear a blazer on top and flannel plaid PJ pants on the bottom, without anyone knowing the difference. OK, maybe that's all just a dream, but I did really start an Etsy shop. Yea, it may be something small, but it is something.

It says on my resumé that I have an art degree from Penn State, but I haven't used it since I designed promotional materials for Langistic Networks, and I am starting to piss myself off. I never wanted art to become a weekend hobby. I wanted art to be my talent and then become my career, but that obviously never happened. Well, fast forward 11 years and here I am with a husband, a house, a son, a master's degree, and a 7+ year career in public relations with no art anywhere. I enter my drawings in exhibits, but they were created years ago and I never even received an offer on one of them.

I am not quitting. I am an artist and that's what I've wanted to be since I was four-years-old, so I started an Etsy shop that I opened up by selling bottle cap magnets and photography prints of pictures that I've been taking for years on my DSLR. Eventually, I will add drawings, watercolor studies and maybe even portraits that I can do on a commission basis. It is a start. It may not be a six-figure salary or a home office, but it is something. I will not let my creativity flat line, especially at 32-years-old with a NEED to create. My Pinterest account is exploding. 

So, my Etsy shop is named MAK80 and it can be found at: Take a look and support a rebounding and rejuvenating artist, I mean, if you want.

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