Sunday, September 04, 2011

Happy 31st Birthday to Me!

Today I turn 31. 31. I don't even like the sound of it. It is both an odd and a prime number. However, I was told at a bar recently that I look 23 and the person "would have never guessed I was even close to 30." Ah, the wonder of face cream and good genes.

I don't mind aging because it shows that I survived yet another year on this earth without a bus hitting me or suffering from bad sushi. But, I do mind people saying that my clock is ticking, I am not getting any younger, etc. I think my life is just getting started. I am not over any sort of hill yet. This may be a year of BIG changes though; with the whole new house and all. Ya never know. I guess you will have to stay tuned to see what kind of excitement, madness or stupidity ensue.

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