Tuesday, August 17, 2010

30 B4 30 Day 13: Make a List of 100 Things That Make Me Happy

There are so many things that make you happy, but have you ever thought to make a list of them? I had the idea to Make a List of 100 Things That Make Me Happy for my 30 B4 30 project, but I ended up with more than 100. Oops! I am not sure if this means I am a happy person or just excessive.

Since this list is long, I don't want to bog you down with more words than I have to. So, let's just get to it, right? Here are my 100+ things:
  1. The Christmas season
  2. Being married to my best friend
  3. Art museums or galleries
  4. Skip-It
  5. Sharpened pencils
  6. Music to dance to
  7. Bubble baths
  8. Sinking a 3-point shot
  9. Naps
  10. Lemonade
  11. Babies laughing
  12. Sunshine
  13. Hitting a line drive
  14. Getting an A on a test or a paper
  15. Strong scented candles
  16. Being with family
  17. Clearance racks
  18. Flowers in full bloom
  19. Hot cocoa
  20. Summer festivals
  21. Fireworks
  22. Baby animals
  23. Shave ice or snow cones
  24. Finding a favorite movie on TV
  25. Going out to eat
  26. Amusement parks
  27. Planning a vacation
  28. Fishing with my dad
  29. Playing Rock Band or Bomberman with TK
  30. Knowing the Final Jeopardy question
  31. Theater performances
  32. Getting a good workout
  33. Finishing a crossword puzzle
  34. Winning money
  35. Rollercoasters
  36. Finding the perfect gift for someone
  37. Scream-singing at a concert
  38. Sharpies in a variety of colors
  39. Getting the shading right in a drawing
  40. New outfits
  41. Sales
  42. Good mascara
  43. Walt Disney World
  44. Electric blankets
  45. Milkshakes
  46. Weddings
  47. E.L. Fudge cookies
  48. The Rhymes with Orange comic strip
  49. When my team wins (Giants, Mets, Penn State, Spurs)
  50. Finishing a drawing
  51. Reruns of The West Wing
  52. Hammocks
  53. Compliments
  54. Mister Softee
  55. Road trips
  56. Yoga
  57. Warm towels
  58. Fresh fruit
  59. A table close to the buffet (can you blame me?)
  60. Foam soap
  61. Over-sized sweatpants
  62. Ziplining
  63. Zorbing
  64. Riding an ATV
  65. Waterfalls
  66. When someone pronounces my last name correctly
  67. Cuddling
  68. Watching my mother dance
  69. New adventures
  70. Suddenly seeing a butterfly
  71. New episodes of my favorite TV shows
  72. The person who first put chocolate and peanut butter together
  73. A good page-turner
  74. Cracker Barrel
  75. Sour candy
  76. Baking
  77. Matching
  78. Knowing the answer
  79. Getting TK’s full attention
  80. A good bottle of wine
  81. My father’s cooking
  82. Fluffy slippers
  83. Finding a $5 bill in the pocket of my jeans
  84. Taking a great photo
  85. Being in a great photo
  86. Main Streets
  87. Warm chocolate chip cookies
  88. A new magazine
  89. When a ladybug lands on me
  90. Cookbooks
  91. Alphabetical order
  92. A pile of pillows
  93. Helping a charity
  94. Day planners
  95. Mini-golf
  96. Libraries
  97. Being silly with my friends
  98. A sun tan
  99. Making someone smile
  100. Straws
  101. Gift with purchase
  102. Sonic®, America’s Drive-In
  103. Researching subjects that interest me
  104. Zumba
  105. Fireplaces or fire pits
  106. Happy hour (duh!)
  107. Laughing hard
  108. Being referred to by my maiden name
  109. Good manners
  110. Hot showers
  111. The Red Box
  112. Vacation days
  113. Free samples
  114. Romantic comedies
  115. Penguins
  116. Snow days
  117. Board games (except Risk and Monopoly)
  118. Getting rewarded for a job well done

If nothing else, at least this list will make it easier for someone to buy me a birthday present.

(P.S. I am sure I can think of more, but I don't want to make your eyes hurt.)

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