Saturday, August 14, 2010

30 B4 30 Day 10: Purge My Closet of Old or Useless Items

As you mature, you should really come to terms with who you are on the inside and on the outside. For instance, if you haven't been a size 6 in 6 years, you should get rid of the size 6 items in your closet. So, today's item on the 30 B4 30 list is Purge My Closet of Old or Useless Items.

I used to be in denial about being a "big girl." I am almost 5'8" with more curves than Lombard Street, and believe me, I am not flattering myself. When I was in high school and college, I wanted to be a little petite girl with caved in cheeks and thighs. You know, the type of girl who doesn't get a double chin and has calf muscles because she was born with them. In reality, I was not dainty or girlie and I was the farthest from petite. In college, I was convinced guys were afraid of me because I had wild hair and I wasn't the type of girl you wanted to give a piggy-back ride to. I could actually carry more guys on my back. I should have probably tried out for the football or rugby team, but then I may have received very different attention...hmmm.

At the ripe old age of 29, I have accepted the fact that I am just built different. I now know and have accepted that I would rather wear sneakers than high heels. I would rather throw a spiral than get a manicure and I would rather watch a Giant game than a soap opera. I'm just not graceful or girlie and I am well aware of it. Maybe it is because I was surrounded by guys when I was growing up or because my grandmother and my mother were both tough women. They didn't mess around, so neither do I.

So today I had to come to grips with my closet. I made a deal with myself and said, "Self, you can keep two pairs of skinny jeans and two pairs of skinny pants, but everything else has to go." And I agreed. The pants that I haven't worn since 2004 were added to the pile and so were the flat-chested girl shirts. There are shirts that I bought because I thought I could stuff my stuff into them, but then I wore them in front of friends or family and they laughed and told me I couldn't leave the house. Those are the shirts that those dainty petite girls can wear and I cannot. So they were gone and so were the clothes that I have been keeping because I got them as a gift and felt bad getting rid of them. I'm a Catholic, so my guilt bag is full and those shirts and shoes had to go too. Then there were the two tees that I bought for my grandmother that said "Penn State Grandma" and I decided that those were keepers. I bought them for her when she was alive and she wore them proudly. I can't throw them away because I don't have much left from her. I have two t-shirts, a ring and a small purse, that's it and it makes me sad. Maybe I can wear the shirts when I am a grandma. Who knows?

After four bags of useless items, I have decided that I will donate everything to Savers and then buy myself some new items for my own birthday in 20 days. It's the circle of life my friends. Just accept it and accept that image in the mirror that you see on a daily basis. That's you.

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