Monday, July 22, 2013

Things I've Learned in One Year

On July 10, my son turned one and I realized how different my life has become since his birth; in good ways and in bad ways.

Here are a few things I have learned along the way:
  1. Don't buy expensive clothes, they will just get stained or ruined in some way. Formula can stain a white shirt yellow, and veggies that have been spit out of a baby's mouth can land on your clothing. 
  2. Poop is great. You want a baby that poops. A baby that does not poop is a VERY unhappy baby. 
  3. A boy baby can pee at any minute, even if they just peed two seconds ago. 
  4. Everything ends up in your child's mouth. This includes paper, toys, phones, remote controls, shoes, etc. 
  5. Do not leave small items around the house. See #4. 
  6. Do not get too drunk at a wedding or a party. A hangover with a screaming, tired baby is worse than any hangover you had in college. 
  7. Don't wear bras that don't completely fit. Your son will pull your shirt down in public and instead of everyone seeing your bra, they will see your boob. 
  8. Don't decorate your living room with fancy items because they won't match your Graco swing or your Baby Einstein Jumperoo.
  9. You can never just run into a store again. Everything takes at least a half an hour. 
  10. You may forget to eat because you will focus on making sure your baby is fed.
  11. Little kid songs are very catchy. Everyday, there will be a new one stuck in your head.
  12. Nothing is yours anymore. Everything belongs to your child. 
  13. Take A LOT of pictures. You will end up showing them to everyone you know. 
  14. Enjoy every minute. You will turn around and your kid will be a year old already.
So, I have learned plenty so far, but I am still learning, every single day.

Mommies and daddies, what did you learn during your first year as a parent? 

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