Friday, July 23, 2010

A New Project

As the end of my third decade on earth approaches, I have come up with a little plan to rid my life of "no I haven't" and "not yet." I am introducing a 30 B4 30 project where I choose 30 things to complete in the 30 days before my 30th birthday. Every day I will do something I have never done before or learn something I don't already know. Then, I will come on this blog and write about the eccentricities of the day, how that activity affected me and what I learned from it. I am hoping it is an exciting and fun process.

Currently, the list only has 22 items on it, but I am still in the process of populating it and I am soliciting help from everyone I come across. I took some items off of my Life List to add to the 30 B4 30 list because they were important to me when I added them to that list and it would be great to get them done while on deadline.

For the 30 B4 30 project, I have made some stipulations; everything on the list has to be something realistic and close enough in proximity that I can get there or accomplish it within the 30 day limit. So there is no "Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro" or "See the Mona Lisa." It has to be in NY and available.

So, the project begins on August 5 and ends on September 4 when I turn the big 3-0! I will make updates as needed, so keep your eye out...And, make some suggestions of things I should do or learn before I turn 30 because I still need 8 additions to my list.

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