Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"A 20/20 Vision of Our Diverse Society"

Last night, John Quinones, from ABC's "20/20" and "What Would You Do?," spoke at St. Joseph's College and it was very interesting and insightful. He made remarks about racism and ignorance and how people had a genuine lack of respect for one another that he feels is actually improving now with Obama's presidency. He feels that people are communicating more because our president is communicating more. However, according to his show, "What Would You Do?" people have a blatant disregard for those who are in distress. They have a hidden camera show that deals with ethical dilemmas and whether or not people will come to a person's aid or walk on by. Quinones even showed a clip of the show and it was pretty disappointing and then heartwarming. It made a few people in the audience cry, not me but, a few people. There was an instance of an actor who played a homeless man who collapsed on the sidewalk. People just walked on by, they counted 86 passersby. Then a homeless woman with a cane walked right on up and asked people to use their cell phone to call 911 for the man. 24 more people passed until one woman did what she had asked. It was touching how kind the woman was and so many viewers were inspired by her that ABC gave her a home and the medication she needs to live. They even started a Facebook page in her honor.

Quinones made you think about what you are doing to help those around you and if you have the ability to be someone's hero. I was slightly disappointed in myself because I wasn't sure if I could step in front of a stranger with a bat to stop him from hitting another person out of fear but, what if that person would die from their injuries and I was the only one who could stop it? It is a really difficult scenario but, I do hope that if it came to stepping up or not that I will and I will be proud of myself for doing so. I had his book, "Heroes Among Us" signed by him and he wrote, "Be a hero." I just hope that maybe, one day, I can be.

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