Thursday, September 29, 2011

I love the help in The Help

There are movies that entertain and there are movies that make you question who you are and what your place is in this world. The Help is both.

The Help is a movie based on the fictional book of the same name by Katheryn Stockett. It is about the housemaids who raise the children, cook and clean the houses of young white wives and mothers of the 1960s. The way these maids were treated and how black people in general were treated fifty years ago really was deplorable and watching it hurt my heart. I spent most of the movie tearing up or crying. I was truly sad at some points, but I know that is how it really was back then and that really pissed me off.

There are many times in your life where you ask yourself if you are going to let something ethically wrong happen because you are too afraid to act and do what is right. I try to live my life in a way that I don't allow such things to happen in my presence and I try to make people understand why intolerance and racism is wrong, but I can't do it all the time and that is a failure that I have to deal with. After watching this movie, you will ask yourself whether or not you are a good person and what side you would be on, and hopefully you will choose the right, morally sound side because that's the side you should be on.

Next, onto the book.

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