Friday, August 27, 2010

30 B4 30 Day 20: Get a Ridiculous Pedicure

A lot of women think it is a necessity to get their hair done, their nails done and wax all of the hair off of their body. I am not that girl. I get my hair cut at Super Cuts for $20, I only get pedicures before weddings, I pluck my own eyebrows and I bite my nails. I am very low-maintenance. So today I chose to Get a Ridiculous Pedicure for my 30 B4 30 project.

I was born in 1980 so I wasn't really an 80's girl with Frito nails or sprayed out bangs, I just existed and sometimes wore neon spandex pants. In elementary and middle school, I was never someone that anyone wanted to dress or be like. I even had a long braid on the top of my head that I used to whip mean boys with. I should have been on the show "What Not to Wear" so Clinton and Stacey could cut my hair and help me to dress like a girl. I also had no front teeth until I was seven, I got braces at ten and the doctor discovered that I had scoliosis that same year. There was definitely a modeling contract in my future...SIKE! I think it was the period between 5 and 15 years-old that really shaped my opinion of my physical appearance and it wasn't the most positive or feminine.

So, this evening I went to the nail place with my friends Colleen and Nicole, and I decided to get my nails done in some crazy color with a crazy design. I love shopping and clothes, but I am not one to spend money on my appearance or worry too much about it. If I need a haircut, I get one. If I want a hamburger, I eat it and if I need a dress, I check the clearance rack. Don't get me wrong, there are days when my hair isn't cooperating, my muffin top hangs over my pants and I get seriously down on myself. Today though, I decided that since we had big plans for the weekend that I would be a girl for once and put an artsy twist on it. I chose a color called "Jade is the New Black," which, you may have guessed, is green. Then I decided to get a girlie design and had a sunflower with some gold flecks painted in the corners of both toes. I spent $28 without tip which is expensive for someone who refuses to pay more than $3 for hairspray.

On several websites, it says that a good way to usher in your 30th year is to pamper yourself and after all the massaging, lotions and attention to detail, I feel relaxed and my nails look pretty...interesting. Fashion is an extension of your personality and creativity, so why not be more expressive with it without having to make a political or inappropriate statement. Just paint your nails green instead. That's what I did.

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